Table of Contents No. 29, 2011

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Issues in Integrative Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
An Annual Publication of the Association for Integrative Studies
Cover/Inside Cover


Rick Szostak and Allen Repko, Co-editors
Editors’ Introduction


James Welch IV

The Emergence of Interdisciplinarity From Epistemological Thought

Jennifer Manthei and Jonathan Isler

Co-Teaching Social Research Methods in a Joint Sociology/Anthropology Department

Simeon Dreyfuss

Something Essential about Interdisciplinary Thinking

Susan K. Gardner

‘A Jack of All Trades and a Master of Some of Them’: Successful Students in Interdisciplinary PhD Programs

Barbara Cosens, Fritz Fiedler, Jan Boll, Lorie Higgins, Gary Johnson, Brian Kennedy, Eva Strand, Patrick Wilson, and Maureen Laflin

Interdisciplinary Methods in Water Resources

 Institutional Members—2011