The following members are available to serve as consultants on interdisciplinary studies. These individuals are listed as a service to institutions seeking assistance; they are not agents or representatives of AIS, but simply AIS members who have completed a training workshop and observed an actual consultancy by a seasoned consultant. Beyond that, institutions seeking consultants will be encouraged to look over the qualifications listed below and contact institutions served for references.

Professor of English and Literature, School of Arts and Humanities
Program Chair, Liberal Arts
Ocean County College
Toms River, NJ 08754

Consulting/External Evaluating Experience:

1. Which institutions and programs?

  • Seattle University , Interdisciplinary Program Review, external reviewer with Dr. William Newell (2015)
  • Confidential Consultations:
    2016: off-site, external reviewer of interdisciplinary program(s), with Dr. William Newell, of a small, religiously alternative, liberal-arts style college.     
    2014: MSU Conference, faculty relations in interdisciplinary program, hours long consultation after workshop offered on Initiating Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Building on Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research. Worked with faculty members from attending institution to strategize solutions to lack of faculty buy-in in start up interdisciplinary program.
  • Ocean County College (own campus): heavy involvement with curriculum revision, assessment, faculty development, Middle States re-accreditation.

2. Nature of issues addressed (e.g., general education, majors, administration, faculty development, assessment, self-study)?

  • Curriculum design
  • Program assessment
  • Policy and program development
  • General /interdisciplinary education
  • Faculty development
  • Faculty-administration workflow

3. Stages of development (e.g., exploration and rationale, pilot, implementation, expansion, evaluation):

Implementation, transformation, evaluation


1. Disciplinary expertise (e.g., degrees, training, teaching/research experience):

Recent training:


  • M.A., Ph.D. University of Washington, in Comparative Literature
  • B.A., Douglass College, Rutgers University, Classical Humanities and Comparative Literature

2. Interdisciplinary areas:

  • Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies
  • General/Interdisciplinary Education
  • Digital Humanities
  • Comparative Literature

3. Skills (e.g., teaching composition, computer conferencing, team-teaching):

  • Curriculum design implementation, and assessment;
  • General education; pedagogy;
  • Faculty development;
  • Emergent digital technologies
  • Conference organizing;

4. Positions:
Tenured Full Professor
Founding Co-Director, Faculty Center for Excellence, Creativity, and
Program Chair, Liberal Arts
Program Chair, Liberal Arts and General Studies
Steering Committee, Middle States Re-Accreditation
College Senate Chair, Curriculum Chair, Learning Assessment Chair (all repeat terms; currently chair of Learning Assessment in second term)

For Association of Interdisciplinary Studies:

  • Current: President-Elect, 2019-2020; VP Development, 2017-2020
  • Past: IT Director/Director of Digital Initiatives 2011-2019

5. Institutional experience:
Community college; Private liberal arts colleges; R-1 state university.

Independent Interdisciplinary Scholar
Facilitator, Oregon Humanities
Former Associate Professor, Chair Interdisciplinary Studies, Director Liberal Arts
CoreMarylhurst University, Marylhurst Oregon
503-349-9740 |  [email protected]

Consulting/External Evaluating Experience

1.  Which institutions and programs?

  • Program design, assessment, designed, taught, trained other faculty, for all core courses in BA Interdisciplinary Studies, both online and face to face, Marylhurst University, 1998-2015. Oversaw curricular development for specialized concentrations in Sustainability Studies, Preparatory Art Therapy, and Media and Film Studies. IDS was the largest non-business degree at Marylhurst by headcount.
  • Design, assessment, and oversight of outcomes-based general education program, including all core courses, both face to face and online, Marylhurst University, 1999-2014.

2.  Nature of issues addressed (e.g., general education, majors, administration, faculty development, assessment, self-study)?

  • Interdisciplinary program, curriculum, and course design
  • Individualized student degrees
  • General education
  • Outcomes based programs
  • Entering student and capstone courses
  • Online learning
  • Adult and non-traditional learners
  • Prior learning assessment
  • Service learning
  • Portfolios and e-portfolios
  • Faculty development
  • Assessment and self-study

3.  Stages of development (e.g., exploration and rationale, pilot, implementation, expansion, evaluation)

  • All stages: exploration, pilot, implementation, review and evaluation


1.  Disciplinary expertise (e.g., degrees, training, teaching/research experience)

  • Co-editor Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 2014-Present
  • New York University MA English, Creative Writing (1988)
  • Fairhaven College, BA Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts, concentrations in literature, writing, philosophy (1982)

2.  Interdisciplinary areas (e.g., fields such as women’s studies, subjects such as environmental studies, areas such as social science)

  • Interdisciplinary pedagogy
  • Team teaching (supervised Integrated Learning Modules: variable-credit, team-taught, theme-focused courses which deliver multiple learning outcomes across disciplines taught online; development funded by Sloan Foundation).
  • Environmental writing
  • Facilitating community conversations about difficult topics, currently focused on fostering intergenerational communities.

3.  Skills (e.g., teaching composition, computer conferencing, team-teaching

  • Interdisciplinary course development
  • Administration of interdisciplinary programs and curriculum
  • Teaching college composition and creative writing
  • Practices for mentoring and advising adult learners
  • Prior learning assessment
  • Fostering collaborative inquiry

4.  Positions (e.g., lead faculty, Associate Provost, program director)

  • Facilitator, Oregon Humanities
  • Chair Interdisciplinary Studies, Marylhurst University
  • Director Liberal Arts Core, Marylhurst University
  • Lead Faculty and Coordinator Prior Learning Assessment, Marylhurst University
  • Chair or co-chair of numerous core faculty and university committees, Marylhurst University
  • Senior Field Associate and Trainer, National Helper’s Network. (Training and technical assistance with middle schools starting service learning programs. Conference presentations, advocacy for service learning programs in governmental and educational bodies. Identifying and documenting model programs.)

5.  Institutional experience (e.g., private liberal arts college, church-related university)

  • Primarily adult-focused private liberal arts

Professor and Interim Dean, College of Arts and Humanities
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street, Carrollton, Georgia, 30118
(678) 839-4876 |  [email protected]

Consulting/External Evaluating Experience

1.  Which institutions and programs?

  • University of North Texas – External Program Review (MS/MA Interdisciplinary Studies) – 2016.
  • Chadron State College – Consultant and Workshop Leader (IDS General Education) – 2012.
  • Western Kentucky University – Consultant and Workshop Leader for University College – 2009.
  • Keene State College – Consultant and Workshop Leader (General Education) – 2008.
  • The University of Illinois Springfield – Consultant and Workshop Leader (General Education and Honors) – 2008.
  • Georgia Institute of Technology – Consultant and Workshop Leader (Honors Program) – 2007.
  • Rutgers University at Newark – Consultant and Workshop Leader (Theatre/Art/Music) – 2005.
  • Kennesaw State University – Consultant –IDS Faculty Development – 2004.
  • University of South Dakota – Consultant and Workshop Leader (General Education – IDEA Program) – 2002.
  • Georgia College and State University – Consultant – (Core Curriculum) – 1996.

2.  Nature of issues addressed (e.g., general education, majors, administration, faculty development, assessment, self-study)?

  • General Education; Administration; Faculty Development; Assessment and Self-Study; Course and Syllabus Design.

3.  Stages of development (e.g., exploration and rationale, pilot, implementation, expansion, evaluation)

  • Pilot; Implementation of courses and curriculum and Assessment/Evaluation.


1.  Disciplinary expertise (e.g., degrees, training, teaching/research experience)

  • University of Michigan Ph.D in Performance (primarily Directing); A.M. in Theatre History and Dramatic Criticism.
  • Areas of Teaching and Research: Dramatic Writing and Criticism, Performance (Introductory and Upper Level), Directing, Integrative Arts.

2.  Interdisciplinary areas (e.g., fields such as women’s studies, subjects such as environmental studies, areas such as social science)

  • Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Legal Studies (with specific focus on Arts Law)
  • Free Speech and Arts
  • Women’s Studies
  • Oral and Technological Communication
  • Writing Across the Curriculum
  • Computer Mediated Communication

3.  Skills (e.g., teaching composition, computer conferencing, team-teaching

  • Team-teaching, Interdisciplinary course development, Administration of Interdisciplinary Curriculum

4.  Positions (e.g., lead faculty, Associate Provost, program director)

  • Interim Dean, College of Arts and Humanities
  • Professor of Theatre
  • Chair of Theatre
  • Chair of Mass Communications and Theatre
  • Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences
  • Assistant/Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences
  • Director of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Director of Writing Across the Curriculum
  • Director of Theatre

5.  Institutional experience (e.g., private liberal arts college, church-related university)

  • Public – Comprehensive University
  • Public – Liberal Arts

Director, Honors and Scholars Program
Professor, Department of English
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 
(513) 529-2021 |  [email protected]

Consulting/External Evaluating Experience

1.  Which institutions and programs?

Consulted on interdisciplinary teaching and learning at the following institutions:

  • Gallaudet University, Washington, DC
  • University of Michigan, Flint
  • Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio
  • Champlain College, Burlington, Vermont
  • Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights
  • Ohio Dominican University, Columbus
  • University of Southern Illinois, Edwardsville
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • University of Southern Maine, Portland
  • Michigan State University, East Lansing
  • Southampton College at Long Island University, Southampton, New York

Conducted interdisciplinary program reviews at:

  • University of Missouri, Kansas City, Interdisciplinary PhD Program
  • University of Missouri, Kansas City, General Education Program
  • Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, multiple programs including the interdisciplinary ones
  • University of Washington, Bothell
  • Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights
  • Weber State University, Ogden, Utah
  • Yeshiva College, New York, New York
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin
  • Drury University, Springfield, Missouri

Conducted university accreditations at:

  • University of Iowa, Iowa City
  • DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois
  • University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
  • Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
  • Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant
  • University of Wisconsin, Superior
  • University of Missouri, Kansas City

2.  Nature of issues addressed (e.g., general education, majors, administration, faculty development, assessment, self-study)?

  • Interdisciplinary Programs
  • Writing Across the Curriculum Programs
  • General Education Programs
  • General Accreditation and Self-Study
  • Learning Communities

3.  Stages of development (e.g., exploration and rationale, pilot, implementation, expansion, evaluation)

  • I have been involved in all stages of development from brainstorming and exploration to evaluation for accreditation.


1.  Disciplinary expertise (e.g., degrees, training, teaching/research experience)

  • PhD in Literature and Composition, University of California, San Diego
  • BA in English and French, Rice University
  • Research: interdisciplinary theory and teaching, writing across the curriculum
  • Training: ten years of teaching in interdisciplinary programs
  • Professional experience: Honors Program Director, Director of Writing Center

2.  Interdisciplinary areas (e.g., fields such as women’s studies, subjects such as environmental studies, areas such as social science)

  • Interdisciplinary studies, Honors education, Women’s Studies, American Studies

3.  Skills (e.g., teaching composition, computer conferencing, team-teaching)

  • Writing instruction, team teaching, innovative approaches to teaching, administration of general education and honors programs

4.  Positions (e.g., lead faculty, Associate Provost, program director)

  • Honors and Scholars Program Director, Director of Writing Center, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

5.  Institutional experience (e.g., private liberal arts college, church-related university)

Assistant Professor, Natural and Social Sciences Program and Interdisciplinary Honors Program
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[email protected]

Consulting/External Evaluating Experience

1.  Which institutions and programs?

2.  Nature of issues addressed (e.g., general education, majors, administration, faculty development, assessment, self-study)?

3.  Stages of development (e.g., exploration and rationale, pilot, implementation, expansion, evaluation)

2013: on-site visit of Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland; dept. of Applied Arts; BA program. Evaluation of interdisciplinary courses; exploration and evaluation of (interdisciplinary) curriculum and assessment procedures. 

2013: Meeting of ‘European Platform for Life Sciences, Mind Sciences, and the Humanities’ in Hannover. Exploration and informal evaluation of research funding program, the interdisciplinary nature of the program, advising on future development. 

2014: participation as off-site consultant in external review of Seattle University, its Liberal Studies Program.  Evaluation of program -both nature and output-, advising on administration and management, policy and program development. 

2014: consultation of University of Amsterdam, BA program Politicology, psychology, law, economics (first cohort 2014-15). Evaluation of proposed interdisciplinary curriculum and assessment procedures; advising regarding proposed assessment policy and instruments, and Examinations board. 


1.  Disciplinary expertise (e.g., degrees, training, teaching/research experience):

Propedeutics in Psychology; MSc. in Philosophy; PhD in Philosophy/Cognitive Neuroscience

2.  Interdisciplinary areas (e.g., fields such as women’s studies, subjects such as environmental studies, areas such as social science):

Cognitive neuroscience; Philosophy of Science; Human Action Studies

3.  Skills (e.g., teaching composition, computer conferencing, team-teaching):

Lecturing; Seminar teaching; Team teaching; Interdisciplinary research supervision (bachelor & master’s level); (interdisciplinary) Honors teaching

4.  Positions (e.g., lead faculty, Associate Provost, program director):

Tenured assistant professor; Examinations board chair; Curriculum development committee member; Coach of junior faculty members; coordinator of university interdisciplinary honors program (in the past).

5.  Institutional experience (e.g., private liberal arts college, church-related university):

University of Amsterdam is a large research university (Times Higher Edu. ranking 2014 # 77; QS World university ranking 2014 # 50); its Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies is a small and independent interdisciplinary unit within the Faculty of Science with very good accreditation results for its interdisciplinary bachelor and master programs.

Professor of Theatre, Emeritus, Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies  
Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington 98225-9118  
Phone: 360-319-2454 (cell)
E-mail: [email protected]  

Consulting/External Evaluating Experience:

1. Which institutions and programs?

  • On-site external reviewer for the BA and MA in Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, October/November 2016.
  • One of two external reviewers, evaluating the B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies degree program at Walden University, Minneapolis, June 30-July 1, 2014.
  • Formative review of the General Studies program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Indiana, South Bend, January-March 2014.
  • Taught the annual day-long workshop on thesis topic construction and interdisciplinary research to the students of the Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies program at Oregon State University, February 2, 2013.
  • Chosen by the University of Washington to serve as a member of the external program evaluation team for Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Tacoma, February-March, 2006.
  • Member of Writing Accountability Group, Western Washington University, and consultant on writing methods and programs to the group, 2000-2014.
  • Numerous production consultancies with high school and community theatre programs, 1988-2002.
  • Consultant to David Houk, owner of the Pasadena Playhouse, regarding the re-establishment of the Pasadena Playhouse School as an arts conservatory and playwriting laboratory, 1988-89.
  • Consultant to the administration, faculty and trustees of Turtle Mountain Community College, Belcourt, ND, May 23-24, 1988.
  • Consultant to R.F. McCann, Theatre Architects.  Projects in Sarasota, Seattle, San Jose, San Diego, Los Angeles and Pasadena, including both new theatres and adaptive re-use of existing facilities, 1986-1991.
  • Organized and Led first national meeting on Cooperative/Non-Competitive Programs, American Association for Higher Education, Chicago, March 3, 1987
  • Member, original Planning Committee, Washington Association for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education, Evergreen State College, 1984-6 (?).
  • One of the founders of the College of Fine and Performing Arts, Western Washington University, 1976.  Authored first structural documents and planning documents for the new college.

2. Nature of issues addressed (e.g., general education, majors, administration, faculty development, assessment, self-study)?

  • Interdisciplinary program evaluation, administration, and faculty development.
  • Building interdisciplinary programs and individualized student degrees.
  • Integrating the arts into interdisciplinary programs.
  • Cooperative/collaborative methods in the classroom.
  • Writing across the curriculum; effective writing instruction.
  • Building science curricula in a liberal arts context.
  • The intimate and essential relationship between democracy and education.
  • The liberal arts infusing and animating all disciplines, including mathematics, the sciences, and engineering:  showing how STEM disciplines are already liberal arts, and how to illuminate and use that revelation in the classroom.
  • Maintaining equivalencies and standards, and implementing rich, exciting interactive experiences, in the online classroom.

3. Stages of development (e.g., exploration and rationale, pilot, implementation, expansion, evaluation)


1. Disciplinary expertise (e.g., degrees, training, teaching/research experience)

  • A.B. Harvard College (History and Science), 1960
  • M.S. University of Wisconsin (History of Science), 1962
  • Ph.D. University of Wisconsin (Speech [Drama]), 1968.
  • Playwright and theatre scholar.  Published widely in journals, in US and abroad, on dramatic criticism, tragedy and comedy in contemporary forms, metaphor in drama, justice and drama (in law journals).  Plays published  and produced for stage and television.

2. Interdisciplinary areas (e.g., fields such as women’s studies, subjects such as environmental studies, areas such as social science)

  • Interdisciplinary arts (created I.A. program for the College of Fine and Performing arts, Western Washington University, in 1977);  teaching arts and sciences in a liberal arts context to non-artists and non-scientists;  critical studies in the arts;  mythology and religion.

3. Skills (e.g., teaching composition, computer conferencing, team-teaching)

  • Working with administration on academic planning, policy and program, including budgets and capital planning.
  • Interdisciplinary program administration; team teaching;  collaborative/cooperative teaching methods;  teaching writing (scholarly, creative) to discouraged writers; teaching arts and sciences to non-artists and non-scientists;

4. Positions (e.g., lead faculty, Associate Provost, program director)

  • President (2009-10), Vice President (2008-9), Faculty Senate, Western Washington University.
  • Dean, Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western Washington University, 1982-1989.
  • Acting Chair, Department of Theatre and Dance, College of Fine and Performing Arts, Western Washington University, 1980-81.
  • Director of Graduate Study, Department of Theatre and Dance,  WWU, 1976-82.
  • Head, Playwriting Program, and Founding Artistic Director, The New Playwrights’ Theatre,  Department of Theatre and Dance, WWU, 1973-82.

5. Institutional experience (e.g., private liberal arts college, church-related university)

  • Long experience with state universities, but have also taught at St. John’s College, Annapolis, and consulted at community colleges, a tribal college, and a private online college, and with private consulting firms.

Retired Associate Professor and Program Director Liberal Arts and Sciences,
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
[email protected]

Consulting/External Evaluating Experience

1.  Which institutions and programs?

  • University College Utrecht (Liberal Arts and Sciences honors program) – Consultant and Workshop Leader (Interdisciplinary curriculum- and course design, Faculty development, Interdisciplinary research process)
  • Utrecht University, Graduate Honors Program – Workshop Interdisciplinary Research Process
  • Utrecht University, Undergraduate Honors Program – Workshop Interdisciplinary research process.
  • Utrecht University, PPE-bachelor program – Consultant curriculum design
  • Free University of Amsterdam, Center of Excellence in University Teaching – Workshop ‘Diversity in Interdisciplinary Context’.

2.  Nature of issues addressed (e.g., general education, majors, administration, faculty development, assessment, self-study)?

  • Interdisciplinary pedagogy
  • Interdisciplinary curriculum- and course design
  • Reflection and e-portfolio
  • Faculty development

3.  Stages of development (e.g., exploration and rationale, pilot, implementation, expansion, evaluation)

  • Exploration, implementation


1.  Disciplinary expertise (e.g., degrees, training, teaching/research experience)

  • MA in Classical Studies, Leiden University (1976)
  • PhD in Philosophy, Utrecht University (1983)
  • Research: Medieval philosophy (artes liberales), Self-authorship characteristics of students in an interdisciplinary environment
  • Training: professional training in educational and academic leadership
  • Professional experience: 35 years of teaching in higher education, 10 years in an interdisciplinary program, as curriculum developer and program leader

2.  Interdisciplinary areas (e.g., fields such as women’s studies, subjects such as environmental studies, areas such as social science)

  • Interdisciplinary studies, Teaching and learning, Liberal arts, History of Philosophy

3.  Skills (e.g., teaching composition, computer conferencing, team-teaching

  • Teaching interdisciplinary classes, curriculum design, faculty development, innovative approaches to teaching, quality assurance.

4.  Positions (e.g., lead faculty, Associate Provost, program director)

  • Program director Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS-NL), Director of School Liberal Arts, Teaching Fellow Utrecht University.

5.  Institutional experience (e.g., private liberal arts college, church-related university)

  • Utrecht University ( is a large research university in The Netherlands. LAS-NL is one of its larger programs.
  • Utrecht University College (UCU) was the first university college in the Netherlands. It offers an international three-year bachelor honors program in Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Rick Szostak (Professor of Economics, University of Alberta, AIS President 2011-14), has provided advice on interdisciplinary research process to research groups as diverse as evolutionary/developmental evolution and applied physical activity. He is willing to consult with research groups or speak at conferences or workshops in any field. For a list of his own publications and details on his own research, visit
