Chronological Listing of Presidents of The Association for Interdisciplinary Studies:
2016-18: James Welch IV (Associate Professor of History, Chair – Division of Social Sciences and Business, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma)
2014-16: Machiel Keestra (Assistant Professor of Natural and Social Sciences Program and Interdisciplinary Honors Program, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Amsterdam)
2011-13: Rick Szostak (Economics, University of Alberta)
2009-11: Karen Moranski (Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, University of Illinois at Springfield)
2007-09: Pauline Gagnon (Chair of Mass Communications and Theatre and Professor of Theatre, University of West Georgia)
2005-07: Don Stowe (Interdisciplinary Studies, College of HRSM, University of South Carolina)
2003-05: Cheryl Jacobsen (Vice President for Academic Affairs, Loras College)