National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) – Request for Proposals

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) announces its Fall 2019 request for proposals for collaborative team-based synthesis research around emerging socio-environmental topics. We kindly ask that you explore the announcement (online at: and share this opportunity with colleagues and departments that are especially strong in your field. Deadline: September 16, 2019

SESYNC encourages proposals that synthesize data, develop and apply models, and couple quantitative and qualitative data/information in new ways. We are particularly interested in novel, actionable interdisciplinary research efforts that employ synthesis methodologies in new ways. SESYNC provides expertise in modeling, data analysis, database management and other technical support for teams that need assistance.

We encourage you to discuss your ideas with SESYNC prior to developing your proposal. Discussions with team leaders can help determine whether an idea is appropriate for SESYNC, and how syntheses might be structured to achieve strong interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary outcomes. Please contact our research manager ([email protected]) with questions. Projects that bring together quantitative and qualitative data and knowledge are of special interest.

Please see our website for examples ( of successful projects. Our office sponsors travel, lodging, and meals for participants. All meetings are held at our facilities in Annapolis, MD.

Application deadline: September 16, 2019.

We have two other programs that feature opportunities:

We hope to hear from you!
