46th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: September 27 & 28, 2024
Location: Virtual

Theme: Interdisciplinary Bridge Building: Reconnection and Traversal

Website: https://interdisciplinarystudies.org/conference-2024/

45th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 26-28, 2023
Location: Lubbock TX

44th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: November 10-12, 2022
Host Institution: Sonoma State University
Coordinators: Dr. Karen Moranski, Co-Chair and Provost, and Dr. Jenn Lillig, Co-Chair and Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

44th Annual AIS Conference Website

43rd Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 14-16, 2021
Host Institution: Southern Utah University
Coordinators: Dr. Crystal Riley Koenig at [email protected] or Dr. Michael Cena at [email protected].
43rd Annual AIS Conference Website

42nd Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  November 4-7, 2020
Host Institution:  Sonoma State University
Coordinator:  Dr. Karen Moranski
Contact:  [email protected]
Website:  Association of Interdisciplinary Studies 2020 at Sonoma State University

41st Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  October 24-26, 2019
Host Institution:  University of Amsterdam
Theme:  “Interdisciplinarity in Global Contexts.” 
Coordinators:  Machiel Keestra and Linda de Greef
Contact:  [email protected],   [email protected]     
Website:  http://www.aisconference2019.nl

40th Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  October 11-13, 2018
Host Institution:  Wayne State University
Coordinator:  Associate Professor Emerita, Roslyn Schindler
Contact:  [email protected]
Website:  https://s.wayne.edu/ais/

2018 AIS Conference Schedule

39th Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  Thursday, October 19 – Saturday, October 21, 2017
Host Institution:  University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Theme:  “Beyond Talking Heads”
Coordinator:  Eric J. BrownContact:  [email protected]
39th Annual AIS Conference Website
38th Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  Thursday, October 27 – Saturday, October 29, 2016
Host Institution:  University of Ottawa 
Theme:  “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health, Wellness and Sustainability”  
Coordinators: Professors Karen Phillips and Angus McMurtry
Contact [email protected]
38th Annual AIS Conference Website
38th Annual AIS Conference Program

37th Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  Thursday, October 22 – Sunday, October 25, 2015
Host Institution:  Merrimack College, North Andover, MA
Theme:  “Impact for the Common Good?”
Coordinator:  Professor Laura Hsu  
Contact  [email protected] for more information.
37th Annual AIS Conference Program
37th Annual AIS Conference Website

36th Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  October 16-19, 2014
Host Institution:  Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Theme:  Interdisciplinary Public Problems, the Global Community, and Diversity
Coordinators: Mark Largent, Associate Dean, Lyman Briggs College, and Associate Professor, James Madison College, [email protected]; Colleen Tremonte, Professor, James Madison College, [email protected]; and Aaron McCright, Associate Professor, Lyman Briggs College, [email protected]
36th Annual AIS Conference Website

35th Annual AIS Conference
Dates:  November 7-10, 2013.
Host Institution:  Miami University’s Western Program, Oxford, Ohio, in partnership with the Bachelor of Integrative Studies Program, the Honors Program, and other interdisciplinary programs at Miami.
Keynote Speakers:  Carl Zimmer and Carolyn Haynes
Theme:  “Integrating Arts and Sciences.” Deadline to submit proposals online is April 15, 2013.
Contact:  Nik Money, Western Program Director, [email protected]

34th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 11-14, 2012
Host Institution: Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan
Theme: “Public Policy and the Promise of Interdisciplinary Dialogue.”
Contact:  Scott L. Crabill, Director, Integrative Studies Program, [email protected]

33rd Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 13-16, 2011
Host Institution: Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Theme: Traditions and Trajectories: Interdisciplinary and Integrative Learning
Contact: Judy Whipps, Liberal Studies Department, [email protected]

32nd Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 7-10, 2010
Host Institution: San Diego State University
Theme: “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Integrating Ethics and Sustainability.”

32nd Annual AIS Conference Program
Call for Proposals
Presenter Biographies
Contact: Stuart Henry, 2010 Conference Coordinator. E-mail: [email protected] 
Documents on Related Topics:  The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) has released Sustainability Curriculum in Higher Education: A Call to Action, available free on the AASHE website.

Recognizing the scale of the challenges faced by higher education and the urgency with which changes must be addressed, AASHE’s Call to Action was produced not only to stimulate discussion but to promote activity that will increase the scale and scope of education for sustainability. The 13-page report is a culmination of the ideas presented during AASHE’s Summit on Sustainability in the Curriculum, held February 25-27, 2010, in San Diego, California.

31st Annual AIS Conference

Dates: October 8-11, 2009
Location/Institution: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Theme: “Creativity and Play Across the Disciplines”
Keynotes: Timothy K. Eatman, Director of Research for the Imagining America project and Assistant Professor of Education at Syracuse University, discussed Imagining America’s Tenure Team Initiative Report; Joe Trimmer of the Virginia Ball Center for Creative Inquiry and Mr. Paul Jones, art collector and civil rights pioneer and Dr. Amala Amaki, curator and art historian, spoke during luncheon programs.
Special events: Friday night music festival featuring the Red Mountain band and the Alabama Blues Project, and a choice of excursions to the Moundville Archaeological Park, Westervelt-Warner Museum, or a campus civil rights tour.
Conference workshops: “Nuts and Bolts of IDS Development and Assessment,” presented by Pauline Gagnon, University of West Georgia, and Allen Repko University of Texas at Arlington; special fee, $25.
Other special sessions: An International Participants; Breakfast Table; and Breakfast GUIDE Sessions, small group discussions with AIS Board members on topics relating to interdisciplinary education and/or AIS.
Registration fees: $325, member; $375, non-member; $150, student.
Conference Coordinator: James Hall, Director, New College, The University of Alabama.
Number of registrants: 160, from across the country and around the world, with about one in three attendees coming from the southeast United States.

30th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 23-26, 2008
Location/Institution: University of Illinois at Springfield
Theme: Interdisciplinary and the Engaged Citizen: Integrating Higher Education, Public Policy, and Global Action
Keynotes: “Comments on Interdisciplinary, Higher Education, and Public Policy on the 30th Anniversary of AIS,” delivered by Raymond C. Miller, past AIS president and founding editor of Issues in Integrative Studies (Friday); and “The Problem of Wrongful Conviction: Students Linking Theory and Practice,” by Dr. Larry Golden, co-director, Downstate Illinois Innocence Project, and professor emeritus, University of Illinois at Springfield (Saturday).
Special events: “Centennial of Fire: Reflections on the Springfield Race Riot of 1908,” lecture by Roberta Senechal De La Roche, professor of history, Washington and Lee University; and dinner/reception at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum.
Conference workshops: “Nuts and Bolts of IDS Development and Assessment,” presented by Pauline Gagnon, University of West Georgia, and Allen Repko University of Texas at Arlington; “Experiential and Service Learning Programs,” presented by Elaine Rundle-Schwark, University of Illinois at Springfield, and Kathie Guthrie, Florida State University; and Center for State Policy and Leadership workshop on approaches to engaging students in public policy processes, presented by Tony Halter, Barbara Van Dyke-Brown, and Kent Redfield, University of Illinois at Springfield. Fee for each workshop: $25.
Other special sessions: GUIDE Sessions, small group discussions with AIS Board members on topics relating to interdisciplinary education and/or AIS. Topics included: Administration (James Hall and Stuart Henry), Assessment (Allen Repko and Don Stowe), Curriculum (Pauline Gagnon and William Newell), Hosting an AIS conference (Roslyn Abt Schindler), Issues in Integrative Studies and IDS Research and Scholarship (Joan Fiscella and Francine Navakas), Scholarship of (Interdisciplinary) Teaching and Learning – SoTL (Rick Szostak), Securing Positions in IDS (Tanya Augsburg), and IDS and Honors (Karen Moranski).
Registration fees: $300, member; $350, non-member; $150, student; $200, retired; $75, single day registration.
Conference Coordinator: Karen Moranski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education and Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois at Springfield.
Number of registrants: 160, including 94 first-time attendees. Attendees came from 26 states, Washington, DC, the Netherlands, Australia, and Canada.
Number of presenters: 124 for 96 submitted proposals.

29th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: September 27-30, 2007
Location/Institution: Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Theme: “Interdisciplinary at the Border: Creating, Thinking, and Living New Knowledge”
Keynote: “The Integrated Self Crosses Boundaries Daily: Learning to Access the Courage to Keep Moving,” presented by Dr. Amira de la Garza, Associate Professor, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, Arizona State University, and Acting Director, North American Center for Transborder Studies.
Conference Workshop: “The Nuts and Bolts of Integrative Syllabus Design,”presented by Pauline Gagnon, University of West Georgia; Allen Repko, University of Texas/Arlington, and Marcia Bundy Seabury, University of Hartford. Registration, $25.
Other Special Sessions : GUIDE Sessions, small group discussions with AIS Board members on understanding interdisciplinary education on the topics of: Administration (Cheryl Jacobsen and Karen Moranski); Assessment (Don Stowe and Allen Repko); Curriculum (Pauline Gagnon and William Newell); Hosting an AIS Conference (Roslyn Abt Schindler); Issues in Integrative Studies & Interdisciplinary Research/Scholarship (Joan Fiscella and Francine Navakas); Scholarship of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning (Deborah DeZure); and Securing Positions in Interdisciplinary Studies (Tanya Augsburg).
Other events: Performances by Odds Bodkin, award-winning performance storyteller, author, musician and educator, and the Jersey Boys, winner of the 2006 Tony Award ($55 registration); and tours of the ASU campus, the Heard Museum ($20 registration), Taliesin West ($35 registration), and the Desert Botanical Garden ($55 registration).
Registration Fees: $275, member; $325, non-member; $150, student member; $175, student non-member.
Conference Coordinator: Kelly Nelson, Senior Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Arizona State University.
Number of attendees: 167

28th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 5-8, 2006
Location/Institution: Westin/Atlanta North Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia; hosted by Emory University and Oxford College of Emory University and co-hosted by the University of West Georgia
Theme: “Bridge-Building: Connecting Hearts and Minds, Arts and Sciences, Teaching and Research, Academy and Community.”
Keynote: Louis Dupré, T.L. Riggs Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Religion at Yale University, speaking on “Symbolic Variety, Philosophical Unity.” He is the author of The Enlightenment and the Intellectual Foundations of Modern Culture (Yale University Press).
Special Conference Workshops: “Integrating Hearts and Minds: The Cognitive-Affective Connection in Teaching and Learning,” Dr. Patti Owen-Smith, Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies, Oxford College of Emory University; “The Nuts and Bolts of Integrative Syllabus Design,”AIS board members, Pauline D. Gagnon, Professor of Theatre, University of West Georgia, Carolyn Haynes, Director of the Honors and Scholars Program, Miami University, and Tanya Augsburg, Senior Lecturer, Arizona State University.
Plenary Book Conversation: Session with Julie Thompson Klein, relating to her recently published work, Humanities, Culture and Interdisciplinary: The Changing American Academy, and moderated by Carolyn Haynes, former AIS President.
Other special sessions: A keynote panel on “Bridging the Gap”; and opportunities for consultations with AIS Board members serving as GUIDEs or G(uides) to an U(nderstanding) of I(nter)D(isciplinary) E(ducation) in six areas: Teaching IDS Courses, Administering IDS Programs, Assessing IDS Learning, Publishing in IDS, Faculty Development in IDS, and Fundraising for IDS Programs.
Registration Fees: $315, member; $365, non-member; $200, students.
Conference Coordinators: Gretchen Schulz, Associate Professor of English/Humanities, Oxford College of Emory University; and Kevin Corrigan, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Director of Medieval Studies in the Institute of Liberal Arts, Emory University.
Approximate number of attendees: 200

27th Annual AIS Conference – Joint Conference with Association for General and Liberal Studies
Dates: October 6-9, 2005
Location/Institution: Hyatt Fair Lakes, Fairfax, VA, George Mason University and Virginia Tech
Theme: “Integrations: Liberal Learning in a Diverse World”
Subtopics: Trends in international, multicultural, interdisciplinary and liberal education; integration of curricular and co-curricular learning; service-learning and experiential learning possibilities; innovative student leadership programs; and mechanisms for assessing integrative learning in diverse student populations.
Keynote(s): Randy Bass, “Building a Culture of Learning in the 21st Century”; Jane R. Spaulding, “Paving the Road to Hell: American Higher Education’s Quest to Internationalize”; Nathanael Pollard, “The Emerging ‘Science of Learning'”
Pre-conference Workshops: George Mason University
Plenary and other special sessions: “Getting to Know the Association ” Breakfast, “Learning About the Capital Region: A Brief Exploration,” Dinner Circles, Group Activities – An Evening in Old Town Alexandria, An Evening with the Capital Steps, or Fall Wine Tasting and Sunset Tour of Mount Vernon
Registration Fees: $215-$285 ($135 for students)
Conference Coordinator: Janette Kenner Muir ( [email protected]) and Ron Daniel
Approximate number of attendees: 200

26th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 13-17, 2004
Location/Institution: Charlotte, NC, Johnson C. Smith University
Theme: “Practices of Integration: Improving Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning”
Subtopics: Integrating knowledge among disciplines and cultivating new forms of interdisciplinary knowing, learning and acting in the world; practices of interdisciplinary theory; practices of design; practices of implementation; practices of assessment; and practices of reflection.
Keynote(s): Elizabeth Minnich, “Reflections on the Wellsprings of Interdisciplinary Studies and Transformative Education”
Conference Coordinator: Dr. Donald Mager ( [email protected])
Approximate number of attendees: 150 representing 68 colleges and universities.
Special features of the conference: It was the first hosted by an HBCU (Historic Black Colleges and University) and was the farthest south of any in the organization’s history. With 68 colleges and universities represented, it was the most diverse in terms of participation in the history of AIS.

25th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: October 9-12, 2003
Location/Institution: Detroit, Wayne State University
Theme: Integration, Collaboration, and Partnership: Expanding the Scope of Interdisciplinary Studies
Subtopics: Building active organizational partnerships; K-16 across the disciplines; challenging the directions of interdisciplinary studies; creating new knowledge with interdisciplinary studies; border crossings; interdisciplinary approaches to social, multicultural, and global issues; interdisciplinary studies advocacy; cutting-edge interdisciplinary theory; designing interdisciplinary curricula; interdisciplinary or interdisciplinarities
Keynote(s): Carol Geary Schneider, “New Frontiers in Integrative Learning”
Pre-conference Workshop: Detroit Institute of Arts
Plenary and other special sessions: “Getting to Know AIS” Breakfast, Final Reflection Session, Historical and Cultural Tour of Detroit
Fees: $295-$375 ($195 for students)
Conference Coordinator: Roslyn Abt Schindler ( [email protected]) and Stuart Henry ( [email protected])
Approximate number of attendees: 200

24th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: Oct. 3-6, 2002
Location/Institution: Springfield, MO; Drury University
Theme: The Liberating Arts: Global Connections and Challenges
Subtopics: Liberating arts; integrative mindset; pedagogy of liberation; cross-cultural communication; integrative team teaching; service learning as form of liberation; study abroad programs; global citizenry and global involvement; liberating arts and technology
Keynote(s): Dr. Susan C. Herring, “Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Online Behavior”
Pre-conference Workshop: Creating an interdisciplinary model for general education
Plenary and other special sessions: “Welcome to AIS”; book discussion on Bernard Lewis’s What Went Wrong
Fees: $275 for members; $315 for members
Conference Coordinator: Dr. Hue-Ping Chin, [email protected], (417) 873-7427Hotel: University Plaza Holiday Inn and Conference Center
Approximate number of attendees: 120

23rd Annual AIS Conference
Dates: Oct. 4-7, 2001
Location/Institution: Roanoke, VA; Virginia Tech University
Theme: Globalizing Interdisciplinary Pedagogy and Research
Subtopics: scholarly activism; building community using the arts; internationalizing course content, interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks, interdisciplinary methodologies; study abroad
Keynote(s): Nikki Giovanni, “The Poet as Interdisciplinarian”
Pre-conference Workshop: Tools for Globalizing a Leadership Forum
Plenary and other special sessions: Allen Hammond (World Resources Institute) “Globalization That Works for Everyone”; book discussion on Thomas L. Friedman’s The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization
Fees: $275 for members; $315 for non-members
Conference Coordinator: Nancy Simmons; (540) 231-8100; [email protected]
Hotel: Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center
Approximate number of attendees: 129

22nd Annual AIS Conference

(jointly sponsored with Society for Values in Higher Education)
Dates: Oct. 5-8, 2000
Location/Institution: Portland, OR; Portland State University
Theme: Interdisciplinary: Values in Conflict
Subtopics: institutional values and integrative work; value dimensions in interdisciplinary courses; interdisciplinary in ethical and moral development; civic responsibility/community partnerships in interdisciplinary work; the sacred and the profane as rich topics for interdisciplinary work; pedagogical methods
Keynote(s): Panel entitled “Columbia Basin as Metaphor for an Interdisciplinary Approach” Panelists included Linda Olds (Professor of Psychology, Linfield Colege; Bill Land, Center for Columbia History; and Elizabeth Furse, Oregon Congresswoman)
Pre-conference Workshop: Portland State University’s University Studies Program (an interdisciplinary general education program)
Fees: $300 for members; $340 for non-members
Conference Coordinator: Sherry Stock; (503) 721-6520; [email protected]
Hotel: Doubletree Hotel (downtown)
Approximate number of attendees: 141

21st Annual AIS Conference
Dates: Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1999
Location/Institution: Naperville, IL; North Central College
Theme: Border Crossings: Bringing Integrative Studies Into the 21st CenturySubtopics: literal, metaphorical forms of border crossings; border crossings within the curriculum; interdisciplinary approaches to thinking about political and cultural border crossings; dialogues among educators in colleges and primary/secondary schools; internationalization of integrative studies
Keynote(s): Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago Professor of Law and Divinity)
Preconference Workshop: Technology and Interdisciplinary
Conference Coordinator: Francine Navakas; (630) 637-5285; [email protected]
Hotel: Radisson Lisle-Naperville Hotel and Conference Center

20th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: Oct. 8-11, 1998
Location/Institution: Detroit, MI; Wayne State University
Theme: Building Bridges Across Disciplines and Cultures
Subtopics: internationalization of interdisciplinary; interdisciplinary in the information age; knowledge, power and interdisciplinary; building active institutional partnerships; interdisciplinary and adult education; interdisciplinary implications for social change; interdisciplinary curricula and the business community; the future of interdisciplinary studies; advancing interdisciplinary graduate criteria
Keynote(s): Thomas H. Murray (Professor of Biomedical Ethics, Case Western Reserve), “Anticipating the Ethics of Genetic Enhancement: Why Bioethics Must be an Interdisciplinary Field”
Pre-conference Workshop: “The Web as Instructional Tool”
Plenary and other special sessions: “Welcome to AIS”; book conversations on Julie Klein’s Crossing Boundaries and on Thomas Murray’s The Worth of a Child
Fees: $260 for members; $300 for non-members
Conference Coordinator: Linda Hulbert; [email protected]; (317) 577-6567Hotel: Doubletree Hotel (downtown)
Approximate number of attendees: 100

19th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: Oct. 23-26, 1997
Location/Institution: Boone, NC; Appalachian State University
Theme: Tales of Transformation
Subtopics: transformation theory; experiential strategies for transformation; transformation through integrative pedagogy and narrative
Keynote(s): Orson Scott Card, “Storytelling and Community”
Pre-conference Workshop: “Constructing a Course Website on the Internet”
Plenary and other special sessions: Karen Erickson, “Exploring Images of Transformation” (an experiential session); guided hikes, ropes activities, woodlands barbecue with square dancing
Fees: $230 for members; $275 for non-members
Conference Coordinator: Jay Wentworth and Cynthia Wood; (704) 262-3177; [email protected]
Hotel: Broyhill Inn and Conference Center
Approximate number of attendees: 180

18th Annual AIS Conference
Dates: Oct. 3-6, 1996
Location/Institution: Ypsilanti, MI; Eastern Michigan University
Theme: Integrative Knowledges: Seeking Balance Among Theories, Methods, and Practices
Subtopics: roles of disciplines in interdisciplinary theories, methods and practices; disciplinary privilege and interdisciplinary; logical, intuitive, aesthetic and affective dimensions of integration; assessment and interdisciplinary
Keynote(s): Dr. Otto Feinstein (Wayne State University)
Conference Coordinator: Deborah DeZure; [email protected]
Hotel: Marriott Golf and Conference Center

Date Location  Host  Keynote 
1979 Oxford, OH Miami University
(Bill Newell)
Kenneth E. Boulding
1980 Washington, DC AAHE
(Barbara Hursh)
Alfred Stern
1981 Grand Rapids, MI GVSC
(Forrest Armstrong)
Robert Fuller
1982 Conference never materialized (It had been scheduled for The Evergreen State College)
1983 Ramapo, NJ Ramapo College
(Yole Sills)
Alexander Capron
Oxford, OH Miami University
(Bill Newell)
Martin Trow
San Francisco, CA SFSU/AGLS
(Ray Miller)
Glenn Olds
1985 Richmond, KY* EKU
(Anne Brooks)
Joseph Kockelmans
1986 Bowling Green, OH BGSU
(Beth Casey)
James Boyd White
1987 State College, PA Penn State
(Beth Casey)
Theodore Hershberg
1988 Arlington, TX UT-Arlington
(Julie Klein, David Jacobs)
Richard Harvey Brown
1989 Rohnert Park, CA Sonoma State
(Fred Rider)
Harry S. Broudy
1990 Manchester, NH St. Anselm
(Phillip Valley)
Kenneth E. Boulding
1991 St. Paul, MN Bemidji State
(Michael Field)
N. Kathrine Hayles
1992 Pomona, CA Cal Poly
(Jim Manley)
Mary E. Clark
1993 Detroit, MI Wayne State
(Roz Schindler)
Jerry G. Gaff
1994 Pittsburgh, PA Duquesne
(Connie Ramirez)
Larraine Matusak
1995 Phoenix. AZ ASU-West
(Michael Cerveris)
Suzi Gablik
1996 Ypsilanti, MI EMU
(Deborah DeZure, George Klein)
Otto Feinstein
1997 Boone, NC Appalachian State
(Jay Wentworth, Cynthia Wood)
Orson Scott Card
1998 Detroit, MI Wayne State
(Linda Hulbert)
Thomas Murray
1999 Naperville, IL North Central
(Fran Navakas)
Martha Nussbaum
2000 Portland, OR SVHE/PSU
(Sherry Stock)
Linda Olds, Bill Land, Elizabeth Furse
2001 Roanoke, VA Virginia Tech
(Nancy Simmons)
Nikki Giovanni
2002 Springfield, MO Drury
(Hue-Ping Chin)
Susan Herring
2003 Detroit, MI Wayne State
(Roz Schindler, Stuart Henry)
Carol Geary Schneider
2004 Charlotte, NC Johnson C. Smith
(Don Mager)
Elizabeth MInnich
2005 Fairfax, VA AGLS/George Mason/Virginia Tech Randy Bass, Jane Spaulding, Nathanael Pollard
2006 Atlanta, GA Emory
(Gretchen Schulz)
Louis Dupré
2007 Tempe, AZ ASU
(Kelly Nelson)
Amira De la Garza
2008 Springfield, IL UIS
(Karen Moranski)
Raymond C. Miller, Larry Golden
2009 Tuscaloosa, AL UA/New College
(Jim Hall)
Timothy Eatman, Joe Trimmer, Paul R. Jones & Amalia Amaki
2010 San Diego, CA San Diego State
(Stuart Henry)
Naomi Oreskes, Geoffrey Chase
2011 Grand Rapids, MI Grand Valley State University  (Judy Whipps) Victor Villanueva
2012 Rochester, MI Oakland University (Scott L. Crabill) 
2013 Oxford, OH Miami University – Western Program, in partnership with BIS (Nik Money) Carl Zimmer, Carolyn Haynes
2014 Lansing, MI Michigan State University    (Mark Largent, Colleen Tremonte, Aaron McCright)
2015 North Andover, MA Merrimack College (Laura Hsu) Jennifer Leaning, Lori Pompa, Tyrone Werts
2016 Ottawa, Ontario University of Ottawa        (Karen Phillips, Angus McMurtry Jennifer (Jenny) Sasser, Chantelle Anne Marie Richmond, David Pantalony
2017 Baltimore, MD University of Maryland – Baltimore County (Eric J. Brown) Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, Brain Trust, Know Innovation
2018 Detroit, MI Wayne State University  (Roslyn Schindler)

* The conference scheduled for Stockton State was moved to protest the closing of its interdisciplinary general education program and the denying of tenure to the Chair of General Studies, who was on the AIS Board.
