Our AIS Virtual Roundtables are conceived as a series of programs allowing productive dialogue on the ever-widening range of topics of relevance to teachers, scholars, students, activists, and all others interested in interdisciplinary work to be scheduled at regular intervals in the many months between our annual conferences. They will offer safe and congenial spaces to exchange ideas, debate issues, share best practices, and engage in the interdisciplinary enterprise of pushing, crossing, and (sometimes) dismantling boundaries as well as creating solutions to the complex problems that confront us in our educational institutions and our societies-as-a-whole.

General Guideline for Roundtables:

  • Each Roundtable will be scheduled for no more than 60 minutes.
  • Each Roundtable will have a clear focus on a topic that directly speaks to issues central to interdisciplinarity.
  • Each Roundtable will allow for participation of attendees.
  • Each Roundtable will be recorded and will be available for later review on the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies website: interdisciplinarystudies.org
  • Roundtables may be in the form of any of the following:
    • Panel discussions with a facilitator;
    • Interviews with a facilitator;
    • Performances or films with pre/post discussion led by a facilitator;
    • Discussions among attendees led by a facilitator;
    • Other forms not listed here that will also work as a virtual program and also allow for attendee participation.

Guidelines for Hosts and Others Offering Roundtables:

  • To volunteer to host a Roundtable, please contact Khadijah O. Miller, AIS Vice-President, Relations, and Roundtable Coordinator  [email protected]
  • We may also be in touch to encourage people to volunteer.
  • Would-be hosts should propose a topic for a Roundtable.
  • Would-be hosts may propose themselves or another person to facilitate a Roundtable.
  • Host/facilitators will recruit others, such as panelists, performers, etc.
  • Host/facilitators will work with the Roundtable Coordinator to plan the program, promote the program, and handle program logistics.

Upcoming and Previous Events
