Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, founded in 1982, is an international, peer-reviewed publication of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of the many varieties of interdisciplinarity in the academy and in society at large. (Formerly ISSN 1081-4760, Issues in Integrative Studies)
Call for Papers – A special collection of articles on the Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity. More here
Sven Arvidson, Professor and Director of Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, USA – [email protected]
Khadijah O. Miller, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Dean of Robert C. Nusbaum Honors College, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA – [email protected]
Associate EditorÂ
Tanya Augsburg, Professor of Interdisciplinary Humanities and Creative Arts, School of Liberal Studies, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, USA – [email protected]
Editorial Advisory Board
Gabriele Bammer, Australian National University, Australia
Tami Carmichael, University of North Dakota, USA
Jennifer J. Dellner, Ocean County College, USA (ex officio)
Pauline Gagnon, University of West Georgia, USA
Stuart Henry, San Diego State University, USA
Paul Hirsch, State University of New York – Syracuse, USA
Machiel Keestra, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bethany Laursen, University of Michigan and Laursen Evaluation & Design, LLC
Khadijah O. Miller, Norfolk State University, USA
Michael O’Rourke, Michigan State University, USA
Christian Pohl, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Rick Szostak, University of Alberta, Canada
Heidi Upton, St. John’s University, USA
Bianca Vienni Baptista, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
James Welch, Independent Scholar, USA
Previous Editorial Advisory Board Members
Stanley Bailis, San Francisco State University
Guy Beckwith, Auburn University
Julie Thompson Klein, Wayne State University, USA
Catherine Lyall, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Raymond Miller, San Francisco University
William H. Newell, Miami University
Roslyn Abt Schindler, Wayne State University
Marcia Bundy Seabury, University of Hartford
Ria van der Lecq, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies (ISSN 1081-4760)
Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, a peer-reviewed publication of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, seeks papers on topics that will advance the wide-ranging mission of the Association. In general, the Association:
Prospective authors should e-mail their papers as attachments in Microsoft Word to Sven Arvidson, copying Khadijah Miller, at the email addresses below. The manuscripts should be double-spaced, conform to current APA style, and include an abstract and keywords. Photographs, illustrations, and other graphics should be attached separately. To ensure anonymity during the refereeing process manuscripts should bear only the title as a means of identification. Contributors should send cover letters giving titles, author names, affiliations, brief biographical notes to be included in the article, full mailing addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
Sven Arvidson, Professor and Director of Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, USA – [email protected]
Khadijah O. Miller, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Dean of Robert C. Nusbaum Honors College, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA –  [email protected]
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